Honor Award

Overlook Farms receives a National Award from ASLA

The 2015 American Society of Landscape Architects Honor Award to the Overlook Master plan by Nelson Byrd Woltz.

"It’s off the chart in terms of success. There’s an engaging practicality to it."
2015 Awards Jury

The master plan establishes Overlook Farm as an exemplary working landscape, founded on principles of ecological conservation, sustainable agricultural production, and cultural preservation. The Landscape Architect collaborated with the client to re-envision Overlook - a cultural heritage landscape, in Dalton, Pennsylvania. Purchased in 1902, the family’s ancestors commissioned the Olmsted firm to design and implement plans for what was to be a summer retreat. After 100 years of connection to the land, the client desired to honor this family legacy through a re-envisioning of the property. The design team has created a master plan which resets the site’s ecosystems, celebrates its cultural heritage and establishes a model of agricultural production that complements the ecological services of the site. The plan offers implementation strategies that rely on thoughtful design initiatives for the health, productivity and profitability of the Overlook landscape sustain ability into the future.


The Fuller Center for Productive Landscapes receives a 2014 Honor Award from ASLA Oregon for OUT OF THE WOODS, Overlook Field School 2013

The ASLA Oregon Design Awards program celebrates professional and student excellence by recognizing the firms, individuals and agencies responsible for outstanding works of landscape architecture and environmental planning that promote an enhanced quality of life in Oregon and beyond.

The 2014 award was the first time the chapter gave an Honor Award, the highest award, to a student project.It recognized student research and creative practice at Overlook, exploring the challenges of forestry as a design practice.
Our Heritage

"Gradually and silently the charm comes over us; we know not exactly where or how.”

Frederick L. Olmsted, Sr., 1850

The designers stressed the importance of the property’s ridges, rock outcrops, Lily Lake, and distant views of the far countryside and mountains. They focused especially, however, on the open meadows and surrounding forests.

“It is upon the wise and conservative maintenance of these two contrasting characters within their respective areas and upon the appreciative and skillful re-enforcement and control of them that the lasting beauty of your place will depend more than upon any other thing that you can do.”


We're Hiring for our 2016 Apprenticeship Program

Fullers Overlook Farm annually hires apprentices to learn about organic and restorative farming practices. Previous farming experience is not necessary, but agricultural interest, enthusiasm, and ability to work hard is a must.

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until all positions are filled. Apply by sending the following materials to Liz Krug at fullersoverlookfarm@gmail.com

  • Cover letter stating interest in the position and applicable experiences/skills
  • Three references including name, relationship/job title, telephone number,& email
  • Resume

